These next few phases were done at the beginning of last week. My mother and her husband came into town for a few days, so I put the paint brush aside to visit with them. In this picture, I started applying a shade of red to the canvas. I wasn't able to finish the red before going to work that day, so I add to apply the red over two sessions. This blue is also going to be painted on the canvas over two sessions. I should be able to get back to the painting within the next few days.
I am trying to start with the lighter colors first so that if I happen to go too far out of the lines, I can cover it up with a darker color when I get to that section. So after the yellow, I went to orange. I have a few shades of green in my supply of paint. This was the lightest shade I had. Once it got onto the canvas, it was darker than I had originally planned, but I continued with it anyway, vowing to figure out something afterward. Here is where I veered off from my original color scheme. Since the other green was darker than I wanted, I decided to add some white to it and replace most of the dark greens in my rough draft with this lighter shade of green. I think it is turning out better than the original color scheme.
By the way, the reason the canvas is in different positions on the easel is because this painting is being done on a gallery stretched canvas. The sides of the canvas are a little over an inch thick. Therefore, I am painting the sides of the canvas, as well.
I have finally got started with this painting that I sketched out several months ago. There was no sketch on paper before I started applying pencil marks to the 36" x 48" canvas. The first thing I did was to draw a grid onto the canvas so that I could make the design completely symmetrical. After all of the pencil lines were drawn in, I took a digital photo of it and downloaded it into the computer. I then used Photoshop to darken the lines so I could print out a sheet of paper with the same design on it. Then I used colored pencils to color the possible color scheme I would use for this painting. So far, I plan on keeping the colors on the canvas the same as the colors on the sheet of paper. Here we go - the first color applied to the canvas! I chose to start with the lighter colors first because I will be painting outside the lines in some parts. It is easier to cover up those little mistakes with the darker colors. Therefore, I don't need to worry much about staying in the lines at this stage of the painting. Plus, I don't intend for the dividing lines between colors to be perfectly straight. I believe orange will be the next color add to the canvas.